May 12, 2015

Straight Blazing Extreme Rules Report For 06 07 09

Extreme Rules!

Hello Ladies and Gentlemen and welcome to this edition of Straight Blazin! We will be covering the recent WWE Pay Per View Extreme Rules! This pay per view was hyped by two main events for the most part and a third �main event� type match! The featured bouts were: Edge v Jeff Hardy in a Ladder match for the World Heavyweight Championship. Randy Orton v Batista in a Steel Cage match for the WWE Championship. John Cena v Big Show in a submission match to try to put an end to their rivalry. Now to say all three of these matches delivered? That�s a stretch� But we�ll get to that later, On with the review!

Kofi Kingston defeats Matt Hardy, William Regal, and MVP to Retain the United States Title

Kofi Kingston had just won the US title on Raw the previous week and what better way for him to kick off his reign then by defending it against 3 other people! The rules were simple for the match,personalized bobblehead, The first person to pick up the pin fall or submission would be the United States Champ! It wasn�t a terribly long match but I believe that it did its job well. It was a solid ten minute match that saw a few spots by all of the superstars involved! Kofi hit his signature moves first and he seemed to be in control for the most part. MVP and Matt Hardy didn�t see a lot of action for some reason as it was mainly Regal and Kofi.

As said before each got to hit their own signature moves in the match and get that limelight,customized bobbleheads. Regal hit his running knee to knock MVP out of the ring and then threw Kofi Kingston out of the ring. Or did he? Kofi did his �using head to bounce back� move off the ropes and when Regal turned around Kofi planted him with the Trouble In Paradise right to the skull. Kofi the picked up the win before Matt Hardy could break the count up! Kofi successfully retains his US title in his first defense,personalized bobble heads! Overall it was a solid little match that put Kofi Kingston over as the United States Champion even more!

Match Rating: 4/10

Chris Jericho defeats Rey Mysterio to win his ninth Intercontinental Championship!

This match took NO TIME in getting going! Rey charged Jericho right away and the two were soon on the outside battling with the announce table and steel steps! A cool spot where Jericho goes to throw Rey into the steel steps but Rey hops over them and kicks them into the knees of Jericho. That spot was great as well as Jericho reversing a dropkick of Rey�s into the Walls Of Jericho in the ring! The commentators did an excellent job playing up the importance of Rey�s mask and what it means to him.

The two last big spots came at the end of the match when Jericho had brought a chair into play. Rey went to dive off of the chair into Jericho, Who reversed the dropkick attempt into the Walls of Jericho again! Rey then grabs the chair from the ground and smacks Jericho in the face with it! It was a neat looking spot that lead to Rey going for the 6 1 9. Jericho reached up and pulled the mask off of Rey though and he falls to the ground clutching his face! Jericho covers the downed Rey Mysterio and picks up the victory! Overall it was a solid match and the two worked well together and there were some SOLID spots in the match itself.

Match Rating: 8/10

C,custom bobblehead.M. Punk defeats Umaga in a Samoan Strap Match

CM Punk and Umaga have had a little bit of a rivalry going for the last few weeks. They just had a match on Smackdown where Punk was the victor so MAYBE you would think that Umaga would win at the PPV? Well the match was a strap match.. If you don�t know the rules here they are: You must touch each corner of the ring in succession,customized bobbleheads. Which means you must touch all 4 turnbuckles without being interrupted and etc,Can I Buy Used Summer Wedding Dresses.. They were a fairly popular match back in my childhood many moons ago, but not so much lately.

Well there isn�t much that can be said for this match to be honest. There wasn�t really any big spots and it only lasted about ten minutes,Skateboarding Ramps � For Daring Stunts. The strap in my opinion was WAY too long and it allowed spots such as Umaga standing on the outside of the ring pulling the strap to prevent punk from winning and Punk wrapping himself in the ring ropes with the strap to prevent Umaga from winning. The final spot of the night came when CM Punk had touched 3 turnbuckles and was going for number 4. Umaga charged him to make the save and Punk reversed it into a Go To Sleep and he falls back and touches the fourth turnbuckle to defeat Umaga! Overall,Top Tips on Choosing Lace Prom Dresses? Average match at best.. But it was a strap match so I wasn�t expecting GOLD.

Match Rating: 4/10

Tommy Dreamer defeats Jack Swagga, and Christian to become the NEW ECW Champion

This was the match yours truly was waiting on! Being as this is my brands match I was very excited to see what they could bring to the table! The match kicked off real quickly with plenty of weapons being used! Kendo Sticks, Trashcans, Trashcan Lids and all that good stuff! A few good spots worth mentioning was Tommy Dreamer using the trashcan to cannonball into Swagga and Christian on the outside from the apron! Dreamer smacking Swagga with the Kendo Stick repeatedly! My favorite spot came when Dreamer went for his Tree of Woe onto Swagga who was hanging from the turnbuckle with a trashcan covering his face. Dreamer yelled �E..C�W� and went to go until Christian tripped him. Christina then slides in the ring and yells �E�C�W� and proceeds to do Dreamers delayed dropkick into the corner on Swagga! Excellent moment!

The end sequence showed Christian going to hit the Kill switch on Swagga, who reversed that into a Gut Wrench Power bomb set up. Dreamer then nails Swagga in the ribcage with a crutch making him drop to the floor! Dreamer sent Christian sailing to the outside and onto the floor. He then turned his attention around to Swagga and delivered his DDT finisher! The whole crowd on their feet as the ref counts 1...2...3! Tommy Dreamer fulfills his destiny and becomes ECW Champion for only the second time in his career and only the SECOND ECW Original to hold the title since WWE brought the company back. What a moment for Dreamer and it gave me Goosebumps to watch him celebrate with the crowd. Excellent!

Match Rating: 7/10, Emotion Wise 9/10

Santina defeats Vickie and Chavo Guerrero in a Hog pen Match

I refuse to even try to rate this match.. Or discuss it really.. Lol.. Simply put it went down like any hog pen match can.. Chavo and Vickie got humiliated when Santina threw Slop on Chavo and pinned Vickie after she tried to escape. Chavo accidentally threw slop on Vickie while trying to hit Santina. It was mildly entertaining but I seen it as more of a time waste than anything. Santina wins.. We all lose..

Match Rating: 1/10

Batista defeats Randy Orton in a Steel Cage match to win the WWE Championship!

This match was pure AWFUL! Now the reports came out a little after the PPV had been underway about Batista possibly being hurt. There was reports he had a torn bicep muscle, which is in your arm, and that it would need surgery. This would explain why there was a 7 minute match for the WWE championship and there wasn�t ONE big spot in the steel cage match. Not only that, But you give the belt to Batista,Orchids, when he�s injured, and you have him destroy Orton like it was nothing. Batista literally had the offense most of the match and hit a regular Batista Bomb to pick up the win. Very disappointed in this match and how it went down. Not just for the result, but for giving us a WWE title match that went 7 minutes long.

Match Rating: 2/10

John Cena defeats Big Show with Modified STF to win the Submission Match

I have one word that can describe this match perfectly.. Snore fest. This match was ALL rest holds,personalized bobblehead. Now a rest hold is when in the middle of the match the two superstars need a break to pace themselves or for whatever reason and we see a series of headlocks on the ground and random submission moves like that. Well this match was ALL rest holds and NO entertainment,personalized bobbleheads. I�m Cena�s biggest fan but this match just wasn�t cutting it for me.. Cena picked up the win when he used the ropes to contain Big Shows leg and he locked a cross face on,custom bobbleheads. They called it a modified STF and not sure why Big Shows leg couldn�t have broken free.. But it is what it is,custom bobblehead. The match was very slow paced and never seemed to pick up steam.

Match Rating: 2/10

Jeff Hardy defeats Edge to win the World Heavyweight Championship,personalized bobbleheads!

In by far the longest and arguably the best match of the night, Jeff Hardy took on Edge in a Ladder match for the WHC! Some memorable spots of the match were: Edge and Jeff Hardy both falling off the ladder onto another ladder that was set up between the apron and the crowd barrier. Jeff Hardy doing the Twist of Fate to a diving Edge between the ladders making them both fall to the ground hard. Another spot was the ladder was upside down and Edge got launched and hit himself between the ladder where the support steel posts are. Edge locking a sharpshooter on Jeff while he was sandwiched in a ladder made me mark out! Jeff eventually would pick up the win when Edge went for the title, Jeff pulled Edge down from below the ladder and got Edge stuck between the rungs of the ladder! Jeff Hardy climbed the ladder and got the title to win the match! Overall it was a bit spotty and a little long but it still delivered and went a solid 22 minutes!

Match Rating: 8/10

Jeff Hardy celebrates in the ring and Jim Ross comes in the ring to interview Hardy when the crowd erupts in boos.. Music hits,custom bobblehead.. And out walks CM PUNK!! With his briefcase and a ref! CM Punk slides in the ring and the second World Heavyweight Championship match begins! The crowd boos and CM Punk nails the Go To Sleep and makes the pin. Hardy kicks out much to the pleasure of the fans and chagrin of Punk! Punk gets up and goes after Hardy who counters him into a small package,custom bobbleheads! Hardy almost gets the win over Punk! Punks face is looking quite angry and he stands up and Delivers one final GTS on Hardy,.. Punk pins and picks up the victory and shocks us all�

Overall PPV Rating: 8/10

Honestly? The ending made this rating jump up a bit for me.. There are two standout bad matches on the card with Show/Cena and Tista/Orton,customize bobblehead. The hog pen debacle wasn�t even a match in my opinion. But besides those two matches it was a solid card and a well delivered PPV,personalized bobble heads. The ending was great and had people shocked and booing! Cant go wrong with that! Well remember to STAY BLAZIN!

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