May 18, 2015

How We Met

I think the engagement period is partly a time of reflection. Over the past several months, I’ve been thinking about what our married life would be like (pretty much the same as now,custom bobbleheads, apparently),customize bobblehead, what our kids would be like (absolutely adorable!!),custom bobblehead, what our first house is going to look like, among many other silly daydreams.

I’ve also been thinking about the past as well. Recently,Ceremony Photos,customize bobblehead, there were a few things that reminded me of when I first met Mr. Butterfly.

I had broken up with an ex about 2 months prior to meeting him. I was enjoying being single, and I started going to those Asian Happy Hours on Thursdays with a new coworker. At one of them,Classifieds February 26, 2015, this guy came up to my coworker and said hello. Then of course,,, there was the inevitable, this is my friend blah blah, and this is your friend blah blah,personalized bobble heads, nice to meet you,custom bobbleheads, yada yada yada. This is how I met Mr. Butterfly. At a happy hour. Hahaha.

We said our introductions, and then we danced (he couldnt dance back then either ). I told him I was going for a beer,., and he came with me and bought me one. We sat and tried to have a conversation over the loud music. I didn’t hear much (I actually don’t remember too much,customized bobbleheads, cuz I was really tipsy). But I got the gist – he worked at Disney, he was 26,custom bobblehead, Chinese,personalized bobblehead, single and cute,customized bobbleheads, AND he liked Buffy! Then he asked me for my number,personalized bobbleheads, and the rest is history.

How did you meet your fiance,Marital Bliss,custom bobblehead?

Tags: new-york BLOGGER Mrs. Butterfly Location: New York Occupation: Healthcare Administrator Wedding Date: November 2006 Venue: Twenty-Four Fifth --> PREVIOUS POSTMonster-in-Law NEXT POSTOrigami Revisited Related Posts Watercooler: October 18,personalized bobble heads,Guide to Buy Wedding Dresses at Low Cost, 201410/18/14 @ 7:00 am A Walrus in a Sea of Emotions 12/08/14 @ 4:08 pm Hare’s to the Happy Couple: One Year Later and a ’90s Dance Band08/20/14 @ 12:38 pm Swoon: The Proposal11/19/14 @ 6:37 am

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