Mar 11, 2015

Learning About Muay Thai

"Muay Thai and training in Thailand isn't just about learning to fight,customized bobbleheads. It's an immersion into a whole new culture both inside and outside the ring,Get The Durable & Quality Archery Equipment,customized bobbleheads.

The traditions of Muay Thai are very indicative of Thai culture as a whole. For example,personalized bobblehead, before a Muay Thai match a fighter may perform a ceremonial dance known as the Wai Kru. Wai Kru means respect to teacher and displays the reverence that Thai's have for those who teach us and guide us such as parents,custom bobblehead,Becoming A Professional When You Make Your Own Stickers, school teachers and instructors. By understanding what makes Muay Thai,custom bobbleheads, Muay Thai you become better positioned to enjoy your time in the Kingdom of Thailand.

There are many aspects of Thai culture that translate directly into the ring.

First and foremost is the idea of Jai Yen or "cool heart." Confrontational behavior is a big no,The Memphis Grizzlies Roar Into Action Every NBA Game,personalized bobbleheads, no in Thailand and losing your cool or being moho (out of control) will quickly isolate you from your Thai friends. If you have had a lot experiences attending Muay Thai fights in Thailand,custom bobblehead, chances are very high that you will have heard a fighter�s corner shouting "Jai Yen Jai Yen!" A fighter who loses his cool is a fighter who has lost control of his ability to fight reasonably and make full use of the techniques available to him in the Muay Thai arsenal.

Another reason Jai Yen is important, is that being angry is typically not very fun. In Thai culture sanuk or fun is something that runs through every action in life,personalized bobbleheads. Everything must be fun and for those who have spent a considerable time in Thailand will quickly realize that Thai people are very light hearted and do not take things too seriously,customize bobblehead. Even when your training seriously you will notice there will be lots laughing and joking amongst the Thai's,personalized bobble heads.

This leads straight into one of the first aspects of Thai culture people get acquainted with and that is Mai Bpen Rai or "it's ok" "don't worry,Design Your Own Wedding Dresses Online, be happy" etc... If any sort of misfortune befalls in anyway shape or form you will be quick to hear a Thai person tell you Mai Bpen Rai or worry, just let it go. If you ever are on the receiving end of a loss in Thailand,personalized bobble heads, you can be guaranteed to hear this one for sure.

There is also the concept of high and low. Things that are good are placed at a physically higher location than things that are "lesser". For example the Mongkol is worn on the head,customize bobblehead, placed on the ring post and must NEVER touch the ground. Teeping someone in the face is seen as insulting and fighters traditionally enter the ring OVER the top rope.

This is a very basic introduction into Thai culture but one we promise to add upon to give you the most complete understanding of Muay Thai culture.

We at Somchai Muay Thai realize the role Thai culture plays in people's Muay Thai experience and we aim to bring you information and articles to help you understand Thai culture, it's role in Muay Thai and other important things to know such Thai language learning.

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